3.14 largegroup

350.org and CSSC have been working with student leaders from more than 26 campuses across California to ramp up fossil free campaigns and build regional power through a student network dubbed « Divest the West ». Last week, UC students from across the state were joined by alumni, faculty, and multiple non-UC campuses, to flood the University of California Board of Regents meeting with testimony and the strength of the west coast divestment movement.

On Thursday, leaders from SFSU, Cal Poly SLO, Stanford, CSUNand almost every UC campus, showed up to push the UC Regents to take the next step toward divestment. The Board oversees the UC combined $70 billion endowment  and has the power to divest all 10 campuses from fossil fuels. UC Berkeley lead the charge, inviting representatives from all UC campuses and the California network of divestment leaders to bring a direct message to the Board: put divestment on the May Board meeting agenda. UC students have been working hard at each of their campuses to pass student government resolutions and connect with their student regents to gain support and momentum leading up to the May Board of Regents meeting – where all 10 campuses will be heard regarding UC divestment – whether or not the Board follows through with amending their agenda.

3.14 BOR Zen« We call on the student regents to work with us, to make our time with the Board of Regents in May productive and collaborative. » said Zen Trenholm, a UC Berkeley student leader who helped organize the event.

Divest the West continues to coordinate across the coast in Washington, Oregon and California. Students are planning events and actions, sharing resources and using their vast networks to support each others efforts. Thursday’s UC Board of Regents Meeting was the first collaborative action – it was the first of many Divest the West collaborations to come.


