(thank you Allyse Heartwell of 350.org for this amazing meme.) 

What if all the epic campaigns that are working on divestment and other campus fights were able to double their facebook pages–or otherwise grow in big ways–in just one day? We’d like to help a whole bunch of friends do just that.

So we’re trying a bit of experiment. We’re calling Sep 18th « Divestment Double Down Day. » And with friends at Energy Action Coalition, 350.org, Fossil Free, The Sierra Club Student Coalition, and Responsible Endowments Coalition, we’re going to try and pull out all the stops to help campus organizers grow their facebook pages. We’ll need your help, of course – and we have a few ideas to share for how campus organizers can scale their facebook family, and do it with some speed.

Interested in participating in this day of digital outreach? Sign up here. 

Online organizing isn’t the end all be-all of movement building — all our facebook efforts work best as mirrors and accelerators to other offline campus & community organizing efforts we have going on. Yet sometimes being able to throw around some online swagger (through a bigger facebook page) can help dial up the conversation, turn out more people, and sometimes even help with storming, say, your College President’s facebook page. 

It also feels like good timing, Sep 18th — it’s right at the start of another big year for the divestment movement, and exactly one month before over 10,000 young people converge in Pittsburgh for Power Shift 2013.

If you’d like to get involved with this day of action, please sign up here. We are looking for campus liasons who can put in about 5-10 hours to make this work (and who can organize a real world event on Sep 18th itself). We will follow up with outreach ideas, « secret codes », a social media training call–and generally be working to build the buzz with our partners.

Got ideas for how this day of action can be made even better? Please holler at Joe@EnergyActionCoalition.org
