We’re just two months away from the Global Divestment Mobilisation and people across 5 continents are already responding to the call to action!


To increase momentum we’re kicking off our online support workshop series on Monday so you still have a chance to sign up.

So far divestment campaigners and local organisers have registered more than 40 events all across Europe – and they’re as diverse as the Fossil Free Europe network itself: from artistic actions to divestment workshops and screenings to flash mobs and direct calls for institutions to divest. You can organise your own action or take a look at the map and join one here.

Many organisers are still shaping their actions, but here are some highlights:

After a successful first performance in the Louvre last weekend, artivists in Paris are planning another stunt to highlight the climate impacts of Total – one of the Louvre’s long-time sponsors.  They are in discussions with other groups around the world planning to take action to divest their museums from the fossil fuel industry.

In Stockholm’s Old Town, a place at high risk of flooding due to extreme weather changes, activists will escalate their call for the Nobel foundation to divest from fossil fuels and flooding.

Fossil Free West Yorkshire will be building an ‘Ark in the Park’ so that we can all escape the floods caused by climate change together. There will be cake at the end, of course.

In London you are cordially invited to the wedding of the Bride of Christ to Mr. Fossil. Show up to the action to find out if this is a match made in heaven. Later in the week Divest London will be demanding that Sadiq Khan keep the election pledge he made to divest the London Pension Fund from fossil fuels.

Fossil Free Netherlands is organising a full week of events including an action to increase the pressure on ABP (pension fund) to divest from fossil fuels, and organising the largest Sing for the Climate event by the Climate choir of the Netherlands.

If you’re in Germany the local Fossil Free group is planning a surprise for the city of Aachen. We’ll have to wait and see! And in Turku, Finland there is a #FossilFree oil spill being planned.

If you’re still working out the details your own event look no further for action ideas. Once you identify your goals, audience and capacity it will be easier to make a choice as to what tactic will have the biggest impact in your context. You could hold an exhibition highlighting local climate impacts, make a projection intervention on a strategic building, organise a visually-stunning rally, march or occupation.   

