Hi friends! We’re trying something new at Power Shift 2013 – we’re putting together a team of people who fan out across Power Shift and use the power of social media to break the story through to the world about the rising inter-connected youth movement. Our goal is to reach millions on social media.
Would you be interested in being on this team?
We’re having a special in-depth « Social Media Storytellers’ Training » the FIRST day of Power Shift (Friday, Oct 18th, before things really get rocking) – and we’d love to have you be a part of it. We’ll have some of the best social media & storytelling trainers to help us get ready — and it could also be a good chance to meet awesome new friends from day one.
If you’d like to be a part of this team & training -> please sign up here: http://bit.ly/social-storytelling-training
A lot of special stuff will go down at Power Shift 2013 in Pittsburgh – and I think how and how far we tell the story of the evolution and escalation of our movement will determine how much it all counts. I hope you’ll consider being on this team and one way or another, helping to get the story out.
–Joe Solomon, Social Media Coordinator, Energy Action Coalition