There’s nothing that companies like Shell and Exxon fear more right now than our people-powered divestment campaigns highlighting their immoral business plans – because they know it’s working.
Since 2012 when campaigns to cut ties between public institutions and fossil fuels first launched, the Fossil Free movement has been the thorn in their side that has convinced investors worth over $5 trillion that it is wrong to continue profiting from the very companies destroying our future.
On Thursday 27 April join Bill McKibben and divestment leaders from around the world for a live broadcast to discuss how we can step up this movement together for the Global Divestment Mobilisation, 5 – 13 May.
We’ll be broadcasting live from the board meeting, where Bill be joined by the likes of Kumi Naidoo, Lidy Nacpil, and other wonderful movement strategists. More importantly they’ll be joined by campaigners from around the world who have been winning campaigns at an incredible pace in recent years.
The Global Divestment Mobilisation is a full-scale mobilisation to highlight the deadly climate impacts being driven by the continued support of our institutions for the fossil fuel industry.
People in 35 countries have already registered events on all 6 continents — students, workers, faith communities and environmental groups are all joining together to make this. These are not just one-off events – they are the types of events that build power and help campaigns to win.
Together – and only together – can we help shift the gears of our transition to the renewable energy future we know is inevitable. Now, as climate impacts bite around the world, is the time to speed things up.
May 5 – 13 is our moment to make it resoundingly clear that the people and institutions who stand on the right side of history are a force too great to ignore.
It will take all of us. But together, we can change everything. If you haven’t already, please do join an event near you (or start one, there’s still time and lots of support available)