Check out this great new film by a group of students at San Francisco State University about the growing fossil fuel divestment movement: 

Students at San Francisco State University are excited to present the release of their new film « $hift », a short documentary aimed at inspiring people to join the divestment movement that is sweeping the nation. Created by Jamie Oliveira, Jennifer Fong, Seth Hahn and Nicole Blunt, the students worked in partnership with SFSU’s Health Equity Institute, a campus organization that offers a special documentary film making course focusing on health and social justice issues, in which the students are responsible for the subject and creation of their own films.

« $hift » documents the stories, ideas and actions behind groups such as: Fossil Free SFSU,, 350 Bay Area, Fossil Free SF, Fossil Free Cal and others, exposing fossil fuel divestment as a practical solution for creating the change that is necessary to sustain an inhabitable planet. The 15 minute film frames climate change as a social justice issue, takes a look at fossil fuel divestment at SFSU and in the Bay Area, and provides a call to action that the filmmakers hope will mobilize more people to start and join divestment campaigns in their area.

For more information, detailed discussion guide and filmmaker bios, visit the $hift page at Health Equity Institute’s website.

Don’t forget to ‘like’ and ‘share’ $hift’s Facebook page, too.
